Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Time in Toronto

Here's a summary of my trip home through pictures!

My two best friends, K (left) and M (right) scared surprised me at the airport with their lovely costumes.  It was such a great treat!  Hence why I am all teary-eyed in this picture.
Despite his claims that he didn't miss me, my brother was quick to pull out some beer cups ("Red cups" as Lu endearingly refers to them) and make a toast.  I know you missed me, A!

I've sadly come to the realization that my Beccamobile needs to go.  The weather provided some pathetic fallacy as I snapped a picture.  If you're interested, and live in the GTA (you probably don't if you don't know what that stands for...), then check out the link: buy me!

But things soon got better at New Years!  We decided to have a pot luck and K made some Moet shaped bread.  So creative!

It was great to be reunited with my girls!  You can't tell in the picture, but we all dressed in sequins.  Yes, on purpose.

Then we pulled out the real Moet.  Just for a sip.

Not on the same night, but a few days later, I finally got to see my cousin's new baby.  So adorable!  Sadly, the next time I see her, she'll be twice the size and running circles around me.

And finally, it was time to go home.  But not without a stop at my favourite restaurant, Lone Star, and an entourage escort to the airport.  Thanks guys!

It was a fantastic trip home, but went by way too fast.  So fast, I didn't have time to see everyone.  I'm sorry if I missed you, but I'll be back in July!  Start booking your time slot now!

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